Conversation with a Home Inspector

If you receive the JREP quarterly newsletter, thanks for following the QR code to find the full article here. If not, be sure to drop us an e-mail at [email protected] and we’ll add you to our mailing list! I recently had a wonderful conversation with Adam Frers, owner of CIRCA Property Inspection Services. Adam has […]

What a Run During My Lunchtime Says About Our Real Estate Market

What does a run around my neighborhood at lunchtime tell me about the current real estate market? If you’re thinking I’m going to say that it’s booming, I see for sale signs that have immediately gone under contract, I’m sorry to say that you’re wrong. Truthfully I ran all over one side of my neighborhood […]

What Every Buyer in a Seller’s Market Should Know

Buying a home is never easy. The pre-approval and financing process (because who doesn’t love digging through your files to find tax documents and pay stubs!). Finding the right realtor (I know that everybody knows about six realtor friends and choosing the right one can be tricky). Determining your budget (champagne taste and beer budget […]

Local Market Update – How Hot is Waxhaw?

If you live near us (Waxhaw, North Carolina, a suburb of Charlotte), you probably agree that it’s almost impossible to be in a social setting and not have the topic of real estate come up. It’s definitely the latest buzz/hot topic of conversation around here. I don’t think this is unique to conversations with me […]

From Contract to Close – When the Stars Don’t Always Align

Most of us who are reading this have bought or sold a home in our lifetime. Unfortunately, I’m willing to bet many of you remember that experience while muttering things under your breath, cursing the process or even the other people, and thinking how glad you are that it’s over. This is a shame but […]

Best of the Best Awards 2021, the JREP Edition

I look forward to reading the Best of the Best in the Charlotte Magazine every year. I’ve lived in the greater Charlotte area for almost 21 years and I love seeing these come out each year! I’m a bit of a foodie, so I thoroughly enjoy reading about the amazing culinary options in town. They […]

Five Things You Might Want To Ask Me

You may be of the mindset that you only “need” a realtor if you are thinking of buying or selling a home. I guess technically, that’s true. But I believe there are so many other situations where you can benefit from a conversation with a trusted realtor. This thought has come to me on many […]

What’s Next in 2021 – Part Two

We’re back for Part Two in our series about What’s Next in 2021. I enjoyed sharing with you about interest rates and the work from home phenomenon that took off in 2020. It’s sparked some interesting conversations over the last week and I hope more to come! Would still love to know what you think […]

What’s Next in 2021 – Part One

In the past year, I think a lot of us have murmured under our breath, “What’s next…” as we’ve experienced the uncertainty and volatility of 2020 and now 2021. But in all seriousness, what IS next? I want to know. Don’t you? I want to know what this year will mean for my career in […]

Homeowner’s Associations – Best Friends or Worst Enemies?

The homeowner’s association, often referred to as an HOA, can be a sticky topic for some people. Ask your friends about their HOA. There is a good chance you will get an eye roll or a laundry list of expenses they had to pay. You may also get some good stories about crazy stuff people […]

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